The Misunderstood but Invaluable Occupancy-Based Thermostat

In our business, we sometimes forget that “occupancy-based” thermostats are misunderstood as just another kind of programmable setback thermostat. But a change in occupancy of any room occurs everyday everywhere in everyone’s life – we live and breathe it. But apparently not everyone else understands this. Who knew? If you’re not geeked out on occupancy-based …

Tips for Mitigating Revenue Loss During Slow Times

As a former hotel General Manager, Kyle Fulcher understands that energy costs typically rank first or second on the list of highest hotel expenses. Kyle is currently an Account Executive at Telkonet and has an insider perspective on hospitality management. “From my past experience as a General Manager, I know that energy costs for a …

Rolling Out Smart Speakers at Your Property

Part 2 of 2 Last time, we offered statistics on voice-enabled personal assistants and their explosion into the home market. We outlined some popular and creative ways the hospitality industry can use smart speakers in guest rooms: in-room controls, hotel services and broader concierge services. Today we talk about guest reactions, how your smart speakers …

Questions to Ask When Choosing an HVAC Controls Company

Shopping for New Thermostats? A Good HVAC Controls Company Should Ask You These Questions New smart thermostats for your property is an investment in time, labor and funds. Your time investment begins with researching your options. If you haven’t purchased HVAC controls within the past few years, it might be an eye-opener. Options have expanded …

Energy Rebates: Worth it in the End?

In a previous post we talked about incentives offered by utility companies, how they vary widely, and the kinds of equipment eligible for incentives, particularly rebates. Application process is becoming more cumbersome In the residential market, a homeowner might qualify for a $50 rebate on their $200 thermostat. They get their rebate with relatively little …